General News of Tuesday, 6 February 2018


Fire destroys shops, school feeding items at Suame

The fire destroyed engines, car batteries, spare parts and other items The fire destroyed engines, car batteries, spare parts and other items

Fire has gutted 10 shops and five cars at Suame Zone 10 within the Abrepo Electoral Area in the Kumasi Metropolis.

The inferno affected stores for storage of school feeding items belonging to Nurul Islamic Basic School. The school feeding programme goods included rice, maize, oil and tin tomatoes.

The fire which started around 1:30am on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 destroyed engines, car batteries, car spare parts and other items that were in the shops belonging to artisans.

Fire fighters responded to distress calls and managed to quench the fire from spreading to the Nurul Islamic Basic School classroom blocks and other shops belonging to artisans.

No casualties were recorded but the Ghana National Fire Service has commenced investigations to unravel the cause of the fire.

"They [government] have to come to our aid, if not we can't cook for the pupils, because we have lost everything to the fire," Madam Salamatu Issah, a caterer in the school, appealed in an interaction with Adehye FM's Elisha Adarkwah.

She said the burnt feeding items were purchased at the beginning of this academic term and were budgeted to feed the pupils for the next three months.

"We [caterers] went for loan of GHS 7,000 to purchase the goods and we have lost everything," she said.

She indicated that they could not cook for the pupils the morning after the fire due to the destruction of the goods and kitchen utensils.