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Regional News of Saturday, 24 January 2015

Source: GNA

Fire service holds simulation exercise in Sunyani market

Lack of access road to market and other public places is major hindrance impeding efforts by Ghana National Fire Service to put out fire in Sunyani.

Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) Kwame Apraku Larbi, Brong-Ahafo Regional Fire Officer, who made this known, called on city authorities to endeavour to clear all traders and hawkers selling at unauthorised places.

ACFO Larbi was speaking to reporters on Friday, after the service organised a simulation exercise at the Sunyani main market to sensitise traders on the causes and effects of fire.

He emphasized that, issues about congestions as well as human and vehicular traffics and obstructions from especially from traders and hawkers at the market centres ought to be addressed.

ACFO said though cases of domestic fire in the region decreased from 799 in 2013 to 404 in 2014, in January 2015, the service had attended to 152 fire outbreaks.

He pointed out that the service is doing its part to control fire outbreak but many traders fail to adhere to precautionary measures and advice from personnel of the GNFS.

The Regional Fire Officer warned that the ban on group hunting in the dry season is still in force and appealed to traditional rulers not to intervene when the culprits are arrested for prosecution.

ACFO Larbi said those who engage in the group hunting activity are always armed, and this makes it difficult for personnel of the service to arrest them.