General News of Sunday, 1 August 2004

Source: GNA

First woman preacher in Italy elected Bishop

Accra, Aug. 1, GNA- Reverend Mrs Diana Afua Adjartey, the first woman preacher in Italy, was on Sunday elected Bishop pending her formal ordination in the United States next year. Clad in white, violet and pink gown, Rev. Mrs Adjartey, a Ghanaian, Founder and General Overseer of the Kingdom of God Mission International (KOGMI), stood solemnly before members of the Calvary Crystal International, Ghana, and was proclaimed Bishop by eminent Bishops and General Overseers of ministries in the country.

Acknowledging her great work in Italy and in Ghana at a special ceremony, Bishop Emmanuel Dankyi-Anane, President of the Calvary Crystal International described Rev Adjartey's elevation as God ordained, because she has made a great history, by occupying such position. He said not all men and women could sail successfully what she went through in preaching and proclaiming the good works of Jesus Christ, adding that with true dedication, commitment, long-sufferings and the love for God's work, she had made it.

Bishop Dankyi-Anane announced that her election would enable her go through a year probation before a formal ceremony in the United States. It would be organised by the Calvary Crystal Church, USA. Declaring Rev Adjartey as Bishop-Elect, Bishop George Nortey of the Triumphant Christian Church and Rev. Dr Ransford Yeboah, Elim Pentecostal Church, both of Accra read from the book of Timothy the requirements of a Bishop and charged her to be devoted to God in order to attain the mark without blemish. Amidst loud shouts of joy and praises to God, from the congregation, Rev Mrs Adjartey, expressed her joy and appreciation to the Bishops and members of the Calvary Church recognising her service to the Lord and conferring on her the honourable task and pledged to work hard to merit it.

She commended Rev Robert Kafui Johnson, Resident Pastor of KOGMI, Ghana, and men of God in the country who helped her sailed successfully through saying, "Your prayers and support for me especially in my difficult times have yielded this great result".