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Regional News of Sunday, 3 July 2016


Fisherman commits suicide in Cape Coast

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Fisherman Kwabena Atta Papa on Saturday dawn committed suicide by hanging himself at Coronation, a suburb of Cape Coast in the Central Region.

The deceased was found dead inside the washroom (toilet) in his house.

Confirming the incident to via phone, one of the deceased’s daughters, Maame Aba said the father has been passing stool for the past two days.

According to her, after hours of no sign of the deceased who had earlier informed them of attending nature’s call, they rushed to the washroom only to find him dead-seated on the toilet bowl.

‘We can’t tell if he killed himself or somebody did just to make it look like a suicide, he had no qualms with anybody, our mother died some months ago and now this, we are very traumatised,’ she said.

He left behind six children.

The body has since been conveyed to the Cape Coast government hospital.

The case has also been reported to the police.