Regional News of Saturday, 7 December 2013

Source: GNA

Fishermen clean up Winneba landing beach

A-four -hour clean-up exercise led by Neenyi Monikaiko, Chief Fisherman of Effutu Traditional Area at Winneba fishing landing beach, led to the desilting of choked gutters and thorough clean up of the facility.

Neenyi Monikaiko told newsmen that the beach has been littered with refuse and human excreta, hence the need for the exercise to help prevent the outbreak of communicable diseases- like cholera.

He said the programme would be held periodically to create a conducive environment for business to thrive at the beach.

The Chief Fisherman said people who dump refuse and defecate at the beach would be arrested and handed over to the police for prosecution.

Mr Operim Quansah, a canoe owner, appealed to fishmongers and people doing business at the beach to comport themselves.

He asked the Municipal Assembly to put in place by-laws to deal with people who deliberately indulge in acts that could lead to the outbreak of diseases.