General News of Thursday, 31 October 2019


Fishermen defying order not to fish at Akosombo Dam spillway

A fisherman fishing at the spillway A fisherman fishing at the spillway

Fishermen around the Akosombo Dam enclave are defying orders by the Volta River Authority (VRA) not to fish near the spillway which is dangerous.

Despite a buffer zone marking to alert these fishermen to stay a safe distance from the dam, some of them have ignored these signs and carry out their operations at the spillway.

One may expect that the powerful churning water itself could scare them from practicing their venture at that particular spot, but familiarity has dispelled their fears.

During a tour of the facility by some selected journalists to the dam last Friday in the East Region, fishermen were seen conducting their business at the spillway through the dam managers say they have been warned several times.

Interestingly, none of them was wearing a lifejacket.