General News of Monday, 19 May 1997

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Forest Guard Before Court For Alleged Goat Theft

Akim Swedru Samuel Yeboah, a forest guard at Akim Aperade in the Birim South District, was arraigned at a circuit court at Akim Swedru for allegedly stealing two goats valued at 80,000 cedis. He pleaded not guilty and was granted 500,000 cedis bail to re-appear on May 28. The prosecutor, Police Inspector Paul Amoako told the court presided over by Mr. Michael Woanya that Madam Gladys Awinipoeya, the complainant, released her goats for grazing but two of them failed to come home in the afternoon. While the complainant was looking for the goats, an informant told her that he saw the accused with a goat in his garden. Police Inspector Amoako said the complainant went to confront the accused who denied ever seeing the animals. A report was made to the police who arrested the accused and during interrogations he admitted the offence but pleaded to be allowed to pay for the animals.