General News of Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Forgive 'Sharia MP', he didn’t mean what he said – Desoso

National Women Organiser of the governing party Anita Desoso is urging Ghanaians to forgive embattled Daboya/Makarigu MP Nelson Abudu Baani for suggesting that a law be passed to sanction stoning to death, and hanging as punishment for cheating wives.

Baani has been condemned by various women rights groups and civil society organisations for his comment.

Both Parliament and the Government have disassociated themselves from Baani’s pronouncement.

Desoso, who said she was shocked when she read the comments attributed to the MP told STARR NEWS’ Ibrahim Alhassan that the explanation by Baani that his comments were taken out of context has gone down well with her and is, therefore, asking for forgiveness from Ghanaians on his behalf.

“I have listened to him and I think that we have to bear with him. That was not his intentions. After all he is also married with children. We don’t know what he has passed through for him to come out with such a statement because it’s real that some women will not suffer with the husband, but at the end of the day, they come back to claim the property, so let’s forgive him.”

Desoso also cautioned the MP against any future comments of such nature. “I also hope he will desist from such statements. Not only him, but men and even women, because if you come out with a statement concerning a woman, children and a man, you need to be very careful”.

The Deputy Coordinator of the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), however, believes Parliament, as an institution, can decide to punish Baani.

“Let’s leave it for the Speaker. I think that Parliamentarians also have their rules and regulations, so they should call him and give him the punishment that he deserves because, at times, we tend to say: ‘I’m sorry [and] that’s all.’ Who knows? Another time, somebody will say even worse than this, but he will come back and say sorry. ”