Regional News of Saturday, 12 June 2010


Former Gushegu DCE To Be Dragged To Court

Mahama Abukari, former District Chief Executive for Gushegu district in the northern region could possibly be dragged to court for allegedly embezzling funds accrued from the assemblies’ tractor services. It is reported that Mr. Mahama Abukari used three tractors of the assembly to amass wealth which led to the collapse of the said farm machinery which is in disrepair. This came to light at the Naabuli alleged witches camp where the assembly donated items comprising 10 bags of maxi maize, four bags of rice, sleeping mats and pillows to the about one hundred women. Fuseini Alhassan, District Chief Executive for Gushegu made the donation and assured them of the assembly’s determination to build proper housing infrastructure to accommodate the women accused of witchcraft. He disclosed that the assembly out of its low revenue generation is spending GH ¢10,000 cedis to repair the broken down tractors to help farmers in the district. Mr Alhassan complained that the money could have been channelled into other productive ventures to meet the local needs of residents of the district. The Gushegu DCE refuted wide spread media speculation that the alleged witches of the Naabuli camp survived on prostitution.

He appealed to residents of Gushegu to live in peaceful co-existence as government and its development partners were committed to give them meaningful development. Our sources in Gushegu confirmed that Mahama Wumbei, the former DCE’s trustee in whose custody the tractors were is in the grips of the police.