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Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 13 April 2006

Source: GNA

Four remanded for attempted robbery

Tema, April 13, GNA - Four persons, Dennis Bentil, David Mensah, Jacob Mensah and Simon Jackson, were on Tuesday remanded in custody by the Tema Circuit Court 'B' for allegedly attempting to rob a salon at Sakumono.

Bentil, David and Jacob pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy and attempted robbery, while Jackson pleaded guilty to two counts of abetment of crime and attempted robbery. They are to re-appear on May 11.

Prosecuting, Police Chief Inspector Edith Nutakor, told the court presided over by Mr Nicholas Mensah Abodakpi that, Bentil 28, a cook, David 27, porter, Jacob 29, and Jackson 35, a barber all residents at Nungua in Accra.

Chief Inspector Edith Nutakor said, Madam Mary Magdalene Mensah, the complainant is a beautician at the Premier Haircut and Nail Care Salon, near the Sakumono Community Hospital, where Jackson was a barber. She said Jackson met with the other three accused persons and informed them about some money in the shop and planned with them to rob the salon.

Chief Inspector Nutakor indicated that, on April 08, 2006 at about 0830 hours, complainant was in the saloon, when Bentil came in claiming he wanted to shave his hair to which complainant informed him that, the barber had not reported for work.

Bentil however, said he would wait till he comes, some few minutes afterwards, he requested for some water from the complainant, when she came with the water, David entered the salon and attempted closing the door, which she objected to.

The prosecutor indicated that Bentil suddenly removed a knife from his bag and pointed it at the complainant ordering her to surrender all monies in the salon to them, while Jacob stood close to the salon. Madam Magdalene Mensah then raised an alarm, which attracted residents near the salon and passers-by to the scene, causing David to run out of the salon and entered a taxi in which Jacob was waiting, while Bentil took to his heels but was arrested.

Chief Inspector Nutakor further stated that, the two in the taxi forced the driver to accelerate but he refused and they strangled him, however he did not oblige to their request.

Sensing danger, David jumped out of the moving vehicle, while Jacob and the driver drove straight to the Sakumono police station. David and Bentil were sent to the same police station by the residents and upon interrogation admitted committing the offence and mentioned Jackson, as the one who asked them to rob the salon, he was arrested later at Nungua Ravico.