General News of Thursday, 19 November 2009

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Free education for Disabled Children

; Promoafrica Commends Government

The Network of Journalists for the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa-Ghana Chapter, (PROMOAFRICA) greatly commends H.E President John Evans Atta Mills and the NDC government for giving issues concerning persons with disabilities a priority.

Yesterday the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Hon. Dr. Kwabena Duffour announced in parliament that the government is going to give all children with disabilities in school going age free education and they (the government) has made provision to that effect in the 2010 national budget.

This, according to our network members all over Africa, the intervention of the government to give free education to children with disabilities is the first in the history of Africa.

It will recall that President Mills is the first African President to have a face to face meeting with persons with disabilities in his country and also the urgency he demonstrated in the establishment of the National Council of Persons with Disabilities has shown his Love and Care he promised PWDs during the 2008 electioneering campaign in Ghana.

We welcome this social intervention program by government and we pledge our continuous support for this great innovation and assure the government of our full support for its successful implementation to the benefit of persons with disabilities in Ghana.

Seth K Addi (Local Chapter president)