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General News of Sunday, 19 May 2024

Source: Frank Owusu Obimpeh, Contributor

Frema Osei-Opare commends media's progress in Ghana

Frema Osei-Opare, Chief of Staff Frema Osei-Opare, Chief of Staff

The Chief of Staff, Frema Osei-Opare, has said the Ghanaian media has made considerable progress in stabilizing the nation's development despite a few obvious challenges.

Frema said this at the 3rd African Media Convention (AMC), an event aimed at shaping the continent's media future.

She stressed the pivotal role of the media in shaping public opinion, fostering democracy, and driving positive change.

She said that, but for the concerted efforts of the media, the level of insecurity in the country would have been unimaginable.

She further highlighted the importance of collaboration between the government, media stakeholders, and civil society to address challenges like press freedom, misinformation, and the environmental crisis.

Additionally, the Chief of Staff called for journalists' collective efforts in media operations and stated, "We cannot underestimate the importance of a free and vibrant media in Africa, especially in the face of pressing challenges such as climate change and misinformation."

She outlined various initiatives implemented by the government, including the launch of media capacity enhancement programs and the establishment of mechanisms to combat misinformation, and underscored the need for a conducive environment for media freedom and independence across the continent.

Also, Makmid Kamara, Regional Director for the International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM), underscored the need for a conducive environment for media freedom and independence across the continent.

Kamara stressed the importance of safeguarding journalists' rights and freedoms, particularly in regions where press freedom is under threat.

He called on African governments to uphold their commitments to press freedom and ensure the safety and protection of journalists as they carry out their essential role in society.