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Politics of Thursday, 19 October 2023


Frema Osei-Opare is one of the best things Nana Addo has given to Ghana - Allotey Jacobs

Chief of Staff, Akosua Frema Osei-Opare play videoChief of Staff, Akosua Frema Osei-Opare

Bernard Allotey Jacobs has gushed about the inter-Ministerial Committee set up by President Nana Akufo- Addo to address the Akosombo Dam spillage that has displaced over 25,000 residents living along the Volta Basin.

The Committee is chaired by the Chief of Staff, Akosua Frema Osei-Opare; she would be coordinating government's response to the situation.

It comprises Ministers from National Security, Interior, Defence, Energy, Finance, Local Government, Works and Housing, Roads and Highways, Environment, Sanitation, Lands and Natural Resources and Information.

Speaking on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", Allotey Jacobs was elated about the President's move but was more excited that the Chief of Staff is the Head of Committee.

"She is one of the best things that Nana Addo has given to Ghana. She is a good woman," he said and warned people not to destroy her reputation.

"Why should people sit and destroy this woman?", he questioned.

Allotey noted that, in Ghana, "we tend to destroy good people" but implored the nation to "preserve the name of good people like Akosua Frema-Opare. She is a very good woman".