The Representation of Peoples Amendment Act (ROPAA) passed in 2005 is the law of the land. Hopefully, the Electoral Commission, EC, shall be coming out soon with the necessary Legislative Instrument (LI), subject to Parliament’s approval, to allow overseas resident Ghanaians to vote in the elections of 2008 from their overseas places of residence. While waiting on Electoral Commission (EC) and in the interim, the Disaporan Voters Committee (DVC) which spearheaded the drive in lobbying Parliament for the passage of ROPAA after a careful study and research of the laws of other countries including Philippines , Senegal and others on how it is done in their countries elections, in anticipation of the EC guidelines, has prepared these unofficial Questions and Answers (Q&A) for public information , education and discussion:1. Question: Why should I vote when I am not living in Ghana?
A: The most important right of a citizen is your right to vote. ROPAA restores such right taken away by the P/NDC Law 284 which restricted voting to Ghana diplomats, UN officials and those military personnel serving out side Ghana. Under ROPAA you don’t have to go back to Ghana to vote if you meet the requirement to be promulgated by the EC. Your annual remittance is stabilizing the Cedi, creating jobs among your other positive contributions to the country’s economy. You have therefore vested interest to vote in order to influence governmental policies. Your vote, therefore, empowers you to deal with your government in the way it is elected and run. This is in line with the constitutional provision of the right of every Ghanaian of 18 years and of sound mind to vote.2. Q: When there are pressing social needs such as energy, water, health, why should government waste resources in implementing ROPAA
A: The right to vote should not be measured in Cedis and Pesewas. Voting is a fundamental right which every citizen must enjoy and exercise. The right to vote transcends all other rights n the constitution. Voting enables a citizen’s voice to be heard or have a “say so” in the affairs of the government through their elected representatives. It is such body of legislators (Parliament) which shapes the policies of government in building infrastructures or allocating resources for social development. The only time you have a “say so” over the election of those who make such decision is when you vote. ROPAA brings the ballot box to your country of residence.3. Q: Is not true that the ruling government may rig the elections on its behalf under ROPAA?
A. This a fiction. The Regulations that will be promulgated by the EC contains all important safeguards such as anti fraud, supervised printing and transmittal of ballot papers. It ensures transparency, secrecy, security and monitoring of the elections results, counting and transmittal of election results by representatives of all accredited political parties. and etc.4. Q: Isn’t the presence of large number of Ghanaians at the border states of Togo, Cote d’Voire and Burkina Faso undermine the integrity of the elections by voting en masse (or fraudulently) for only one of the political parties?
A. This is another fiction. First; no study has identified the party affiliations of these émigrés. Further we have to enquire on what prompted the mass emigration of Ghanaians to the boarder states. Secondly we have to determine by the voter registration list of the exact figure of registered voters among them. Thirdly, ROPAA does not create universal voting rights for all Ghanaians. The only qualified Ghanaians are those with documentary evidence of Dual Citizenship certificate and permanent resident Ghanaians who could provide a valid Ghana pass port and voters ID. Lastly, the elections in Togo, Cote d’Voire or Burkina Faso and elsewhere will be held only at the chanceries of Ghana Embassies or Consulates in those countries and, therefore, the chances of non qualified Ghanaian and non Ghanaian committing voter’s fraud will be extremely difficult. Any qualified Ghanaians voters who don’t meet that requirement shall have to go to their respective home towns in Ghana to vote.5. Q: Who are eligible to vote?
Answer: Only among Ghanaians of dual nationality as defined under Dual Citizenship Act of 2000.Other residents abroad who are not disqualified by law, and are at least 18 years of age who are registered on the date of the elections and of sound mind may vote in all national elections and referenda6. Q: Where are the locations and who will be deputized as EC officials?
A. Ghana Embassies in and Consulates in designated countries. The ambassador or his representatives or designated officers will be appointed as registration and returning officers by the EC.7. Q: .Would there be a notice of registration
A; EC shall though Ghana embassies and convolutes cause publication in the news papers of general circulation of the date, place and time of elections at least six months before the date set for the filing of applications for registration. Notice shall include a list of all documents needed to establish the edibility to vote.8. Q: What will be the requirement of registration?
Among others will be Ghana National ID, Dual Citizenship Certificate or a valid Ghanaian passport. The EC will provide detailed requirement. However, a valid Ghana passport will be required for Ghanaian with permanent resident status. For those with Dual Citizenship statues will reacquire a dual citizen ID and certificate. Also required is a completed registration form prescribed by the EC.9: Q, What will be the method of registration.
A. Subject to EC recommendation there may be two principal methods of registration. In- Person or personal appearance at the registration sight at the Embassy/Consulate and by Mail.10. Q: What will be the methods of Voting?
A. As may be prescribed by EC there may be two methods of voting By Mail and Personal appearance at the voting sight at the Embassy/Consulate11. Q: How will the verification and approval of application to vote are conducted?
A. EC shall act upon all applications no later than 150 days before elections. Those qualified with be issued with national voters identity Card. Before 120 days of the election EC shall prepare a certified list of Overseas Voters and the embassies or consulates shall post the same in their bulletin within ten days of the receipt thereof.12. Q. If ROPAA is not implemented in the 2008 elections, how will this affect Ghanaian government officials who normally vote from outside the country?
A. None would vote since the P/NDC Law 284 which enabled government officials, diplomats or UN ECOMOG soldiers casting the absentee ballots from the foreign bases has been repealed by ROPAA.13. Q. Where the votes shall be counted?
A. In the countries where the votes were cast. The opening of the ballot boxes or specially marked envelopes containing the ballots and the counting of votes shall be conducted within the premises of the embassies or in such places as may be designated by eh EC.. The deputized EC official shall conduct the counting of votes in the presence of the representatives of the accredited political parties14 Q. What are the security and safeguard measures to be put in place to insure the secrecy and sanctity of the ballots?
A. representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and accredited political parties would be around to inspect the printing of the ballots and other elections paraphernalia in Accra, prior to the transmittal to the Embassies and Consulates, the exact number of ballots of overseas voters corresponding to the number of approved applications to ensure the secrecy and integrity of the elections.. In the interest of transparency, all necessary and practical measures shall be adopted to allow representative of accredited political parties, accredited citizens, NGOS and ethnic associations to assist and intervene in appropriate cases in all stages of the electoral process and to prevent any and all forms of fraud and coercion.