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Regional News of Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Source: GNA

Fulani herdsmen appeal for social amenities

The Ave Atanve Fulani settlement in the Akatsi-North District has appealed to the government to extend electricity and potable water to the settlement to stem water borne disease and snake bites especially at night.

Alhaji Suleman Oumar, head of the settlement said this when Mr James Gunu, the District Chief Executive, joined the Fulanis to celebrate the Eid-ul-Fitr.

Alhaji Oumar, the chief Imam of Ave Atanve, praised the local people for their hospitality.

Mr. Gunu also visited Ave Dakpa, Ave Afiadenyigba and Nudovukope, and donated a bag of rice and sugar, a 50 litre gallon of vegetable oil and crates of canned drinks to each Moslem community.

He said the government would accord all groups of people equal attention.