General News of Friday, 25 November 2016


Full document on Government's GHC35m deal with Woyome released

Cover page of the agreement Cover page of the agreement

Pressure group OccupyGhana, has released documents it says constitute the new contract government signed with embattled businessman, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, who is currently being pursued to refund GHC51.2 million wrongfully paid to him by the State.

The group alleged Thursday that the government on December 21, 2015 signed a “sweetheart deal” with Anator Holding Company Limited owned by Mr Woyome, to raise an initial financing of US$8.5M for feasibility studies for development of “deep seaports (including) industrial parks and green townships” in Ghana.

It has meanwhile vowed to deploy full legal arsenal to compel the government of Ghana to make full disclosure on the 35 million-cedi contract.

Find below the full contract documents and other supporting letters.