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General News of Sunday, 10 July 2011

Source: GNA

GAME member say delegates have proved FONKAR wrong

Sunyani (B/A), July 10, GNA - Mr. Felix Ofosu Kwakye, a member of Get Atta Mills Endorsed (GAME), said accusations levelled by the Friends of Nan= a Konadu Agyemang Rawlings (FONKAR) against GAME before the party's presidential primaries were baseless propaganda.

He was speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) immediately after the party's national delegates' congress in Sunyani on Saturday.

Mr. Kwakye said that the overwhelming victory of President John Evans Atta Mills over Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings amply demonstrated that there was no iota of truth in all those allegations.

In the run up to the congress, FONKAR raised a lot of concerns, some of which were widely reported in the media.

These included attempted manipulation of the outcome of the election, allegations of taking incumbency advantage and GAME having the higher number of members constituting the party's electoral committee.

Mr. Kwakye reiterated that contrary to expectations by some people that there would be chaos and confusion, the congresses defied all such expectations adding 93this testifies greatly how democratic the NDC is".