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Regional News of Friday, 29 June 2012

Source: GNA

GAUA strike action stalls payment of salaries in public universities

The on-going strike by the Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA) has stalled the payment of June salaries to workers in the public universities.

This is because the accountants and finance officers are not working and for that matter salaries could not be processed.

The affected include members of the University Teachers Association (UTAG), Federation of University Senior Staff Association of Ghana (FUSAG), Tertiary Education Workers Union (TEWU) and the administrators themselves.

Mr. Solomon Panford, President of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) branch of GAUA, said they would not call off their strike until their demands are met.

The entrenched position taken by the administrators could affect admissions into the public universities.

A break in the academic calendar appears imminent unless FWSC and the striking administrators found common ground to end the impasse.

The Labour Commission, representatives of FWSC, Ministries of Education and Finance, and the Vice Chancellors of Ghana (VCG) had already held discussions on the GAUA’s industrial action where it was agreed that there should be immediate mediation process to resolve it.**