General News of Wednesday, 17 January 2001

Source: GNA

GAWIF welcomes creation of Ministry of Women's Affairs

The Ghanaian Women Initiative Foundation (GAWIF), an NGO, on Tuesday welcomed the establishment of the Ministry of Women's Affairs saying it is a recognition of the role women play in the economic and political development of the country.

Mrs. Emma Mitchell, spokesperson for GAWIF, told a press conference in Accra that her organisation wants women to be included in all political policy making and advisory bodies.

She expressed the hope that the new ministry would be the rallying point for all women's organisations as well as activities geared towards the improvement of the conditions of women.

"We do strongly anticipate that the new ministry will truly stand for the objective for which it was established by representing the interests of all Ghanaian women regardless of party affiliations," she said.

Mrs. Mitchell, who is the chairperson of the political working committee of GAWIF, urged the government to provide adequate budgetary support and logistics for the smooth running of the ministry.

She called for the creation of special desks for effective links with the other ministries and support units such as research, human resource development and inspection.

GAWIF, she said, has proposed to the new government that there should be women among the top four members of administration of every ministry, department, institution, commission and the Council of State.

In addition at least 30 per cent of district chief executives and government appointees for district assemblies should be women.

"Qualified women must be given equal opportunities as their male counterparts with regard to top managerial job placement at the private sector level," she said.

Mrs. Mitchell said GAWIF joins other women's organisations in congratulating

President John Agyekum Kufuor on his election as President.

Mrs. Esther Ocloo, Chairperson of GAWIF, urged women to strive to attain the highest levels in every endeavour to be able to meet the challenges of the times.

She said: "we do not have to sit down and let other people tell us who we are and what to do when we produce over 80 per cent of the continent's food.

"We are going to work as a pressure group in monitoring this new ministry and ensure that it does not become affiliated to any political party."