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General News of Thursday, 27 August 2020


GES condemns politicisation of hot meals for final year JHS students

Professor Opoku Amankwa, Director-General of GES Professor Opoku Amankwa, Director-General of GES

The Ghana Education Service has issued a stern warning to teachers, caterers and all person involved in the distribution of free meals to final year Junior High Schools students not to politicise it.

Professor Opoku Amankwa, the Director-General of the GES disclosed on Neat FM that his outfit has taken notice of the unfortunate incident and will investigate them.

Professor Opoku-Amankwa warned teachers and anyone engaged in the distribution of food to the students not to attach partisan politics with an initiative that set out to serve every Ghanaian final year student.

He explained that if any teacher is found culpable, he or she will face the full rigours of the GES laws.

He remarked reports from across the country indicate that the gesture by the government has been successful.

“It’s a partnership between the GES and the School Feeding secretariat and from what we have seen so far, it has been a successful exercise. However, there are a few instances that we’ve had to intervene”.

“We have asked the politicians not to campaign with the president’s initiative. I have seen some of the videos a