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General News of Saturday, 1 August 2020


GES confirms death of OMESS student, cause of death still unknown

Jenifer Naa Doku Bolor Jenifer Naa Doku Bolor

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has confirmed the death of a Second Year Oyoko Methodist Student.

According to a statement, the female second-year student whose name was given as Jenifer Naa Doku Bolor was reported to have complained of not feeling well after she wrote her last paper.

Naa was receiving treatment at the school’s sickbay when she collapsed and was rushed to the ST Joseph Hospital in the Eastern Regional capital, Koforidua.

Unfortunately, Naa lost her life upon reaching the hospital.

The Ghana Education Service said it’s still waiting for the cause of death from the hospital but they are using this opportunity to express its condolence to the family of the young lady.