General News of Wednesday, 14 January 2004

Source: GNA

GES to decentralise staff employment

Keta (V/R), Jan. 14, GNA - The Ghana Education Service (GES) is working towards complete decentralisation of its staff employment and processing of pensions and other retirement benefits at the regional level.

Starting from 2004/2005 all these activities, which by policy could only be done at the GES headquarters in Accra, would now be performed by schedule officers at the districts and approved by the Regional Directorate.

Mr. S.D. Gyang announced this at a two-day workshop on decentralisation of employment and pensions processing for district directors, heads of second cycle institutions, general and regional managers of educational units and schedule officers at Keta on last Friday.

The training programme, which was the last in a series of zoned workshops throughout the region was designed to equip the schedule officer with the knowledge and skill needed to handle issues on the decentralisation competently.

Addressing the participants, Mr Gyang recalled several instances in the past when the service used to contend with undue delays in employment and setback in processing pensions and salaries for its workers.

He however, made it clear that though the new policy has numerous advantages yet it would naturally lend itself to some abuses and appealed to all stakeholders of education, particularly, district director to ensure its successful implementation.

The Regional Director also urged the participants to be aware that their pioneering role in this process would be required to strengthen and improve the quality of education delivery at the pre-tertiary level in the country.

Mr. S.K. Dewortor, Keta District Director of Education emphasised the need for self-discipline, commitment and honesty, adding that, "For the transition to work smoothly, every bit of knowledge acquired at the workshop must be put optimum use."

The leader of the Regional Directorate Team, Mr. Pascal L.K. Avornyo said the workshop has achieved the objective of preparing the participants to be knowledgeable, fair and firm and to be resourceful, enquiring and transparent.

He urged the participants to strive to overcome negative attitude, which in the past had caused undue delays in processing of vital documents for the members of the service.

The participants were taken through lessons on staff employment, processes, problems and delays, upgrading and its problems, documentation, re-engagement, employment and re-instatement of personnel.