General News of Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Source: GNA

GETFund offers to support GJA

Accra, May 16, GNA - The Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) has offered to support the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) in the advancement of higher education in broadcasting in particular and the media in general.

The GJA said in a statement issued in Accra on Wednesday that to this end, GETFund would under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) reached last year with Ohio University, USA, provide opportunities to improve professional standards in broadcasting in Ghana under a long-term relationship of educational cooperation and exchange. The MOU was signed by Mr Fostraba Banahene, Executive Director of GETFund, Dr Roderick McDavies, President of Ohio University and Dr Gregory J. Shepherded, Dean of the College of Communication of that University.

The MOU said there would be a Master's in Telecommunication, a Pre-Programme Internship, Research and Education Abroad programmes. It said under the Master's in Telecommunications, the GJA in consultation with the GETFund would nominate up to six broadcasting professionals each year for the one-year programme. "Students will be able to develop programmes of study in areas such as management, policy and health communication. The Ohio University will work with GETFund to ensure that candidates meet current admission criteria."

The University would provide tuition scholarships to the admitted students while under the pre-programme internship, it would arrange summer internships with Ohio University TV and radio stations. The MOU will be in effect for five years subject to a comprehensive review by the Fund and University. 16 May 07