General News of Tuesday, 21 July 2020


GETFund terminates non-performing contractors’ contracts


The Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) has ordered for the termination of all non-performing contractors’ contracts which has been abandoned for the past six months or more, with reference to Clause 59.2 (g) of the general conditions of contracts.

GETFund has, therefore, directed the Education Minister, Regional Ministers, Coordinating Directors (RCC/MMDAs, MMDECs, Regional Supervising Consultants of GETFund Projects and Heads of Public Educational Institutions to start initiation procedures to terminate their contracts.

In a letter sighted by, dated July 7, 2020, and signed by the Administrator of GETFund, Richard A. Boadu, it said all payments have been paid to the contractors up to the end of December 2019.

“GETFund has honoured all payments to contractors for payments request submitted to GETFund up to the close of December 2019. These payments cut across projects in the basic, second cycle and tertiary category,” the statement said.

“All payment not honoured regarding submission made within this time frame are mainly due to unresolved technical anomalies with payments certificates submitted,” it added.

“In view of the enormous payments the Fund has undertaken recently, we further wish to direct that procedures towards termination be initiated for non-performing contracts within your jurisdiction that have remained stalled for the past six months or more with reference to Clause 59.2 (g) of the general conditions of contracts,” it concluded.