General News of Friday, 24 November 2017

Source: Kofi Ahovi

GFP and YDI establish a club at St. Peters Mission School

Staff of St. Peters Mission School with a citation plaque Staff of St. Peters Mission School with a citation plaque

Generations for Peace and its local partner organization Youngsters Development Initiative last Thursday establish a GFP club, at St. Peters Mission School, a private basic and secondary school located at Ashaley Botwe in the Adentan Municipality of the Greater Accra Region.

The decision to establish the GFP club, according to the Country Director of YDI-Ghana, Naa Adei Boateng, follows successes chalked through the use of sports-based games as a vehicle for integrated education which has led to massive behavioral change among children and youth. Generations For Peace believe the successes chalked must not be allowed to fade away hence the formation of the GFP Club; the first of its kind in Ghana.

“Through the GFP school club, we intend to empower the members with skills (economic empowerment skills) which would go a long way with them (even after their graduation from the school) using empowerment for peace”, says Naa Adei Boateng, YDI’s Country Director.

According to Adei Boateng, the administrationof the club would be premised on two functions:“First, creating enabling environment to develop and improve club members’ skills in understanding, practicing and sharing expressions of change (i. e. Taking responsibility, developing respect etc) using sport. It is the observation of the implementing team that through this first approach, members of the club continue developing values consistent with the GFP brand (and this principle is of very dear interest).”

The GFP club, the founders say, will be more practical in its engagements, as it intends to equip members to make meaningful contributions to society.

Meanwhile, the Director of the St. Peters Mission School, Dr. Moses Adu-Gyimah , has expressed appreciation to Generations for Peace and its local partner Youngstars Development Initiative –Ghana for their consistent efforts in changing the lives of many of his wards. He is optimistic the club will further consolidate the gains from GFP’s activitiesas well as sustain the changes so far seen in the target community.

GFP and YDI Ghana honoured Dr. Adu-Gyimah with a citation for his tremendous assistance given to the two organisations during the implementation of Sports for Peace Programme for Children Project at the school.