General News of Wednesday, 19 April 2023


GHANAWEB TV LIVE: FBS recalls heydays in music industry, sports betting tax and more

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GhanaWeb serves you a variety of content ranging from tourism and entertainment to other carefully selected programmes and relevant topics to keep you up to date with current happenings and entertain you.

On today's menu, we bring the bring you a playback of music duo, FBS recalling their heydays in Ghana's music industry with Paulina Deeda Opoku on Talkertainment.

Etsey Atisu meets up with some young bettors and lottery players to get their reaction over government's recent decision to impose a 10 percent tax on their earnings.

Later on, Emmanuel Ennin hits the street to bring you Sports Debate with fans.

These and other carefully selected content will be aired on GhanaWeb TV.

Stay tuned!

Watch the stream below: