General News of Monday, 27 November 2023


GHANET embarks on health walk to create HIV self-testing awareness in Accra

Free HIV self-testing kits were distributed as well as free condoms Free HIV self-testing kits were distributed as well as free condoms

Ghana HIV and AIDS Network (GHANET), together with the Ghana AIDS Commission and the Ghana Health Service, organized a fun-packed yet educative health walk to promote voluntary HIV self-testing on Saturday, November 25, 2023.

In line with the headline 'HIV Self-testing Health Walk', free HIV self-testing kits were distributed as well as free condoms in accordance with furthering the agenda of eliminating HIV by 2030.

Mrs. Victoria Araba Dennis, GHANET vice president said the self-testing kits provide the comfortability for people to test in their comfort zone, rather than shying away from visiting the hospitals to check their status and living in danger.

"I think that is going on very well. You know the people find it very difficult going to the facility so with the self-test, it's easy for them to do their test. You can do it in your own comfort with that of the self-test, when you do it and you see that there is anything that you don't understand that is when you move to the facility," she said while addressing the media.

She emphasized the agenda of promoting self-testing as well as the UNAIDS goal regarding HIV/AIDS by 2030.

"So we are promoting self-test. Self-test in the sense that we are looking at the 95-95-95, the UN Aids 2030 target. So with that, if you are able to know your status, then we put you on drugs. Then the third one is viral suppression which is where you see that yes we are heading towards the 2023 goal."

Araba Dennis also highlighted the biggest challenge they have faced so far is people's unwillingness to know their status and that stressed the need for advocacy.

"The biggest challenge is people not availing themselves of the testing. That is why we are voicing out, we advocating for people to know their status. That is the biggest change we have and if we all come together to engage ourselves to know our status, I believe that we will achieve our target as I rightly put it.

She also confirmed that similar walks, which are in line with the theme for the 2023 WAD celebration “Let Communities Lead” were held in some regional capitals across the country.

"If we involve the communities, we will be able to achieve our target and as I'm speaking now, all the regions are also doing the same. So when we involve the community we will be able to archive the target..."

The walk which precedes the 2023 World Aids Day celebration in December started from Ayi Mensa, a suburb in Accra, and ended at Peduase. The fun-filled event had live brass band music, live Jama music, and a DJ on the spin in a truck to make the exercise lively.

Also, upon arrival at the final destination, an onsite colour splashing, onsite face painting, live instructor-led aerobics, photo opportunities, and a Kenkey party was held.
