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Regional News of Thursday, 4 August 2016

Source: GNA

GII ups the anti-corruption fight

Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), the local chapter of Transparency International, has upped the anti-corruption fight with the establishment of integrity clubs in selected schools across the nation.

It is targeting the education sector, to bring transparency and ensure zero tolerance of corruption in the sector.

This is being done under a project known as “Transparency and Accountability for Higher Quality Education in West Africa” (TAHQEWA).

Mrs. Mary Awelana Addah, the GII Programmes Manager, said the goal was to trigger social demand for accountability in the education systems in three West African countries – Ghana, La Cote d’ Ivoire and Niger.

She was inaugurating two of the clubs at the Juaso D/A, and the Juaso Saint Andrew Junior High Schools (JHS) in the Asante-Akim South District.

She said it was important to create awareness and assist children to have better understanding and clear sense of what was right and what was wrong.

Mrs. Addah hinted that school management committees and parent-teacher associations would also be trained on corruption reporting mechanisms to check corrupt practices in the schools.

She underlined that the project would require strong support of all key stakeholders at the district level to achieve the expected outcomes.

The vision of the GII was see a corruption-free society where everybody and institution was accountable and acted transparently and with integrity.

Mr. Ignatius Mwinbe Ere-Der, the District Director of Education, applauded the initiative and said it would strengthen the fight against corruption.

He encouraged the school authorities not to do anything to frustrate the smooth functioning of the clubs.

Mr. De-graft Fokuo, the District Chief Executive (DCE), said it was a right step, adding that, the battle against corruption must be waged at all levels and on every front.