General News of Sunday, 29 September 2024


GIMPA and KAS hold conference on opportunities for SMEs in agribusiness for aspiring entrepreneurs

A photo of the participants and dignitaries A photo of the participants and dignitaries

The Konrad - Adenauer - Stiftung (KAS) in collaboration with the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP) and the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) has held a conference on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SME) in Agribusiness for young aspiring entrepreneurs.

The Conference held at the Golden Bean Hotel in Kumasi which had the theme “Aspiring Young Entrepreneurs: SME in Agribusiness”, aimed at highlighting the vital importance of SMEs in achieving sustainable development and creating jobs in Ghana . Focusing on agribusiness sector, the event sought to explore strategies and opportunities for young entrepreneurs, especially in agriculture to contribute meaningfully to the nation’s economic progress.

Speaking at the event, the Program Director of KAS, Dr. Joseph Darmoe observed that empowering youth entrepreneurs is central to the conference’s agenda. He highlighted on how the conference would address the common challenges faced by young entrepreneurs and the unique opportunities agribusiness presents for aspiring young entrepreneurs to capitalize on Ghana’s rich agricultural resources.

“The objective of this conference is to bring together some key holder groups in the agribusiness SME space to deliberate on issues of startup opportunities in agribusiness acceleration challenges and the use of modern technologies in agribusiness.
We are seeking to emphasize the importance of young entrepreneurs embracing digital tools and modern farming techniques, positioning them to compete both locally and internationally”, Dr. Joseph Darmoe stated

The Rector of GIMPA, Prof Samuel K Bonsu reiterated the need for agribusiness to be prioritized and admonished parents to be supportive of their children who have interest in agricultural activities

“ Agriculture is the backbone of our economy, is the foundation for all of the world. There are lots of values to being in agriculture, so as parents, if our wards have interest in agriculture, I would encourage all of us to support them, find mentors for them if we ourselves are unable to provide them with the necessary resources”’ he asserted.

Some of the key areas the conference focused on included the overview of the Agribusiness Eco-System in Ghana, Opportunities and Acceleration Challenges for Young People in Agribusiness, Investing and Financing for Young People in Agri- Business and the Policy Framework for acceleration of SMEs in Agri-Business.

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation rooted in Germany’s commitment to promoting democracy, the rule of law, social market economy and human rights worldwide. With presence in over 120 countries, KAS plays a pivotal role in fostering sustainable development and good governance, while advocating for economic growth through innovative entrepreneurial efforts.