Religion of Thursday, 27 December 2007

Source: GNA

GKS Church observes Christian feast of tabernacle

From Enoch Antwi, GNA Special Correspondent in Warri, Nigeria

Warri, Nigeria, Dec. 27, GNA- God's Kingdom Society (GKS), Church of the Living God, made a procession through the principal streets of Warri, capital town of the Delta State in Nigeria, to mark the end of this year's celebration of the annual Christian Feast of Tabernacle Festival.

Members of the 99 branches of the Church including those from Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, UK and the USA participated in the weeklong event.

Speaking on the topic "To do good and to communicate forget not," Brother Osarehmen E. Aighalua, the President of GKS, said the festival was ordained by God through Moses to be celebrated not only by the Jews but also by all humankind.

He said according to the book of Zechariah in the Bible, God said he would bless those who would observe the feast and those who refuse to do so, would be punished with plague and famine.

Brother Aighalua enjoined all nations to take part in the celebration in order to receive God's blessings, prosperity and peace. He explained that the feast could be observed annually during any convenient time of the year and not limited to a particular period. Brother Aighalua said "if your good deeds supersedes the bad ones, God will remember them and lift you up when you fall."

He also urged members of the Church not to rely on their riches but to trust in God, whose love and care protected everyone. Brother Samuel C. Nwaeke, Vice-President of the Church, at a public lecture, said it was necessary to identify the true Church of God and abide faithfully by its principles and cautioned Christians to be weary of false teachings.

He said every Church would be assessed by its teachings and practices adding that God would only accept offerings from a true Church.

Brother Nwaeke urged people to join the Church because it was a true Church.

Brother Patrick O. Ekireghwo, General Secretary of the Church said God, who knows those who trusted in him was man's stronghold in times of trouble.

He said "if you look up to God in the days of trouble, he is always ready to render you help." Brother Ekireghwo observed that some Christians only sought God's help during troubles and urged them to have faith and trust in God always.
