General News of Saturday, 21 April 2018


GLC to engage stakeholders on legal education reform - CJ

Chief Justice, Her Ladyship Sophia Akuffo Chief Justice, Her Ladyship Sophia Akuffo

The General Legal Council would continue to engage stakeholders to overcome any difficulties, emerging out of the on-going legal education reform and chart the way forward, Chief Justice Sophia A. Akuffo has said.

This comes amid the expression of anger and opposition by some lawyers and the general public.

Justice Akuffo said the reform was being carried out to raise the standard of legal practice in the country.

It was not only intended to groom lawyers in accordance with their training but to adequately equip them with the requisite practical training defined by the code of conduct and integrity of practice.

She was speaking after administering oaths to 38 newly qualified lawyers, 13 of them females, who were recently called to the Bar.

The ceremony also marked the formal opening of the Council’s meeting.

The Chief Justice underlined the determination of the GLC to act decisively against unethical behaviour.

The Council and its Disciplinary Committee would appropriately sanction lawyers who breached the rules of the legal profession, she added.

She counselled the new lawyers to conduct themselves well and avoid doing anything that could create problems for them.

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Ms Gloria Akuffo, moved a motion for the lawyers to be enrolled on the Roll of Lawyers and this was seconded by Mr. Benson Nutsikpui, National President of the Ghana Bar Association.

Mr. Justice Alex B Opoku Acheampong, Judicial Secretary, congratulated the lawyers for their perseverance and hard work in achieving their goals.