General News of Sunday, 22 December 2019


GNFS records 12.6 per cent in fire reduction in 2019

Edwin Ekow Blankson, Chief Fire Officer of the GNFS Edwin Ekow Blankson, Chief Fire Officer of the GNFS

The Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) has recorded 12.6 per cent reduction in total cases of fire outbreaks as against that of 2018.

Mr Edwin Ekow Blankson, the Chief Fire Officer of the GNFS, who revealed this said, as at November 2019 the total number of fire responded to, was 4,593 as against the 4,957 recorded in 2018.

The CFO made this known at the Service annual festival of nine lessons and carols and thanksgiving service on Friday in Accra.

It was on the theme; "Give Thanks to God in All Things."

He said the Service did not also record mass casualties like previous years.

Mr Blankson noted that education on fire safety issues and causes of fire outbreaks led to the reduction and that in spite of this, they would intensify the educational drive to further reduce these occurrences.

He said the Service, for this reason is in collaboration with Infrared Imaging Solutions (IRIS) to assist in the inspections and investigations to ascertain likely spots or defects on buildings that are likely to cause fires.

"We have also linked up with University of Cape Coast (UCC) Forensic Department to assist us unravel causes of certain fire outbreaks, especially ones that are suspected to have criminal motives," he stated.

He urged all to be fire ambassadors where ever they find themselves to make this year's Christmas celebration fire free.

He said it was necessary to curtail fire in all aspects to save lives and property.

"As we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us do everything in moderation because the life style we live can make and unmake us," he stated.

Outlining some of the Service achievements for the year 2019, CFO said the service has exceeded the Internally Generated Fund (IGF) target set by the Ministry of Finance by 6.6%.

Also three officers have been sponsored to the Central Lancashire University in the United Kingdom to pursue a master's degree in fire safety management, he said.

He assured that the GNFS would have best facilities in the history of the Service by 2020 and all court issues would also be resolved.

He appealed to residents to assist the Service to maintain the progress made in fire prevention to ensure that the menace of fire outbreaks would be reduced drastically.

Rev. Major Cynthia Kumitse, the Chaplain of the Ghana Armed Forces, in her exhortation admonished all to be thankful to God in every situation they find themselves.

She also advised the officers to enjoy the festive season and ensure that their families were happy.

The thanksgiving service featured prayer intercessions for good leadership, peace, God's guidance for families of deceased officers, divine blessings and protection, prayer for the Chief Fire Officer and directors and for the good of the nation.