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Regional News of Thursday, 18 June 2015

Source: The Ghanaian Times

GOIL fire: 50 bodies identified through DNA

June 3 Disaster June 3 Disaster

Fifty bodies deposited at the 37 Military hospitals have been identified through Deoxybonucleic acid (DNA) tests out of 65 bodies which had been burnt beyond recognition in the June 3 flood and fire disaster.

According to the acting Public Relations Officer of the 37 Military Hospital, Captain Alfred Marteye, 15 bodies were yet to be identified by relatives.

He also revealed that all the bodies except two who were victims of the flood and fire disaster.

The hospital was working together with the Police Homicide Unit and the National security to conduct DNA tests on the bodies.

“This is to ensure that the right body is given to the rightful owner, without any default,” he said.

He said that even though some of the victims had been identified they could not be handed over to their relatives because, “running a DNA test is not a day’s affair as one will have to do a thorough check to come out with the right findings, so that we don’t mislead relatives of these victims.”

According to him, the hospital authorities, though they had a waiting period, had not come out with a deadline for the collection of the bodies, not until they were certain that relatives had identified their deceased.

“We don’t want to rush into anything, that is why we have placed a mechanism in place so that the right body goes to the right relative.”

As said by him, 45 injured fire victims were brought in to the hospital, but one died the following day.

He informed that just yesterday 21 were discharged while 23 were still on admission.

Ever since the disaster, government as well as various private institutions and NGOs have been very supportive.

Earlier, a directive issued by President John Mahama had told hospitals to run DNA tests on the bodies at the morgue.