General News of Thursday, 27 March 2003

Source: gna

GPHA security clash with hawkers in ejection bid

The timely intervention of the harbour police led by Superintendent Victor Adetor, cooled down tempers when the fishing harbour security of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, launched an operation Wednesday to eject hawkers at the port.

The security men used their truncheons to beat a man whom they alleged, was proving difficult. They kicked him about until he fell into a gutter unconscious and left him unattended.

According to an eyewitness report, the security men failed to send the man who was later identified as Mr Nicholas Koranteng to hospital. However, some concerned people at the port rushed him to the Tema General Hospital.

The hawkers, mostly women, expressed anger at the action of the GPHA security officials, who at a point had to take cover to save their lives, as the mob rushed to the harbour police station to protest what they called high-handedness of the operation.

Supt. Adetor confirmed the story and said he had to assure the mob of police protection and investigations into the matter.

He said he later had information that the man who was sent to the hospital unconscious had been treated.

In order to calm down tension as a result of rumours that the mad had died, the hospital authorities decided to allow the 35-year-old man to report to the police who took him around to dispel the rumour.

Supt. Adetor said he had invited the head of the GPHA security to bring all security men who were involved in the operation, to help them in their investigations.

Mr Alex Yeboah, Acting General Manager of the fishing harbour described the incident as unfortunate and said when the false rumour about Koranteng's death went round, the mob destroyed the bar used in controlling traffic at the gate, as well as the door lock at the security gate.