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General News of Saturday, 20 August 2016


Ga queen urges decorous electioneering

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There is the need for all politicians in Ghana to conduct their campaigns in a decent manner ahead of this year’s presidential and parliamentary elections, Naa Dedei Omedru III, queen of the Ga State, has said.

Ghana is heading towards general elections on December 7 this year. The major political parties have started their campaign activities in preparation for the elections.

Speaking with the media at the Kotoka International Airport after arriving from the United States, the queen noted that there was the need to maintain the peace and unity of the country before, during and after the elections and this can be ensured when politicians are decorous in their activities.

She also advised the election management body, the Electoral Commission (EC), to play its role effectively in order to avoid any electoral violence.

Touching the Homowo celebration, Naa Dedei Omedru III thanked the people of Ga State for ensuring a peaceful celebration and also thanked the mayor of Accra, Alfred Oko Vanderpuije, for his support during the celebrations and for the leadership he has shown as the mayor of Accra.