Diaspora News of Monday, 26 March 2007

Source: --

GaDangme International Annual Conference

The executive of GaDangme International Alliance (GDI Alliance) wishes to invite all GaDangmemei/li, Associations, Individuals, professional groups and friends all over the world to participate in this year’s

Annual Conference to be held in Philadelphia from May 25th to May 28th 2007 (Memorial Day Weekend) at Corinthian Educational Community Center.

The theme of the Conference is: “GaDangme in the 21st Century Uniting for Progress and

Development in Ghana” and the challenges ahead”

It will feature international and local speakers to stimulate our discussion and debate as well as an opportunity to meet with fellow GaDangmemei/li.

Guest Speaker: Hon Justice V.C.R.A.C. Crabbe.

Speakers:Hon Ayite Buafo (Presidential Aid), Hon Elizabeth Kwaatso Sackey MP, Prof. Boitei Doku,

Her Excellency,Mrs. Irene Addo – Deputy Ambassador to the US, Washington DC,

Hon Joseph Laryea Affotey-Agbo-MP, Nii Amarkai III Acting Asere Mantse, Prof. George Ayittey,

Dr. Nii Kwate Quartey (President GDI Alliance), Mr. Obuadaban Botchway (Founder & Past President GDI Alliance)

Naa Dede Omaadru II GaManye, Dr. Abu Abarry – Temple University, Nii Akwete Out IX (Katamanso Mantse

Ms Christina Wiggins/Asafanye Odamite Tsotso (CEO Imhotep Institute)