General News of Thursday, 19 April 2007

Source: GNA

Galamsey operators re-surface

Axim (W/R) April.19, -GNA- Mr. Joshua Kwajah-Ellimah, Nzema East District Chief Executive, on Thursday said galamsey operators are re-surfacing at Nkroful, Teleku Bokazo and Salman after their recent ejection from their sites in a joint Military and Police operation. Addressing the second ordinary session of the district assembly at Axim, he said the activities of the galamsey operators were a security risk and causeed environmental degradation.

Mr. Kwajah-Ellimah said the activities of the galamsey operators were also posing as threat to investors who have legally acquired land for mining.

He called on the clergy, traditional councils and the Western Regional House of Chiefs to put their heads together and find lasting solutions to chieftaincy disputes at Atuabo, Bamiankor and Gwira Banso. Mr. Kwajah-Ellimah said it would be difficult for the district assembly to implement its development agenda if there was no peace. He also commended the district heads of departments and their staff for their co-operation, commitment and support, saying that the district assembly can never achieve its aims and objectives if they failed to work as a team.

Mr. Kwajah-Ellimah said the District Mutual Health Insurance Scheme has so far registered 35,189 and issued 17,614 identity cards to qualified subscribers.

He said the scheme has so far collected 380.437,000 cedis as premium and paid 10 per cent commission of 38,043,700 cedis to its collectors. Mr. Kwajah-Ellimah said the scheme has received an amount of 846,640,000 cedis from the National Health Insurance Council (NHIC) as claims support.

He said the scheme has so far received bills totaling 1,536,182,276 cedis from service providers.

Mr. Kwajah-Ellimah said in 2006, the scheme paid bills amounting to 1,075,467,123 cedis to service providers but unpaid bills amounted to 460,715,153 cedis.

He said 25 farmers have been registered to participate in this year's Inland Valley Rice Development Project (IVRDP) at a site at Kamgbunli.

Mr. Kwajah-Ellimah said improved rice seeds would be distributed to the registered farmers on credit.

He said previous beneficiaries of the project failed to repay their loans and is affecting this year's operations.

Mr. Kwajah-Ellimah said 50 farmers, including 15 women have also benefited from the Food and Agricultural Budgetary Support Project (FABS).

He said the assembly has received 382,002,796 cedis as the first tranche of the Capitation Grant for the year.

Mr. Kwajah-Ellimah said 34,967 pupils in 117 primary schools and 59 JSS would benefit from the grant.

Mr. Joseph Nyamenle Essien, the Presiding Member, proposed the establishment of a common fund for members of district assemblies to undertake development projects in their areas. He also proposed that the district assembly form an ad-hoc committee to hold discussions with contractors with the finding of ways of accelerating the development of the area. 19 April 07