Regional News of Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Source: GNA

Germany host 6th Petersberg Climate Dialogue

Federal Environment Minister of Germany, Dr Barbara Hendricks and French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius are hosting some 35 ministers from all the regions of the world to participate in the 6th Petersberg Climate Dialogue that opened on Monday in Berlin.

The theme for the three-day dialogue is: “Reaching for the Paris outcome”.

The 6th Petersberg Climate Dialogue aims at identifying the remaining challenges of climate change and help bring about concrete possibilities for action in the lead up to the UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP21) to be held in Paris in December.

The dialogue will strengthen the political momentum ahead of the Paris conference and also make a concrete contribution to UN climate negotiations.

Some of the countries represented at the Dialogue, include, The Gambia, Angola, Sudan, South Africa, Brazil, China, Japan, USA, UK, Turkey, Sweden, France, Italy, Philippines, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Peru and India.

A new climate agreement is due to be adopted in Paris at the end of the year between November 30 and December 11 and Germany and France wants to lay the foundation for success in Paris.

The outcomes of the dialogue, which is to give support to the Paris conference will be summarised by Dr Hendricks and the Chair of the Paris Conference, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, in the Co-Chairs Summary, thus making the outcomes available to be used as input for the UN climate negotiations.

Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande are expected to both give keynote speeches at this year's Petersberg Climate Dialogue while Federal President Joachim Gauck will host a lunch reception.

Germany, as current holder of the G7 Presidency, wishes to support the successful conclusion of an ambitious agreement in Paris and will, therefore, host all G7 countries to participate in an additional informal meeting of the G7 climate ministers on 19 May immediately after the Petersberg Climate Dialogue.

The Climate Dialogue strives to achieve progress in the development of the key elements of the Paris agreement and a common understanding of the milestones needed to achieve the broadest possible consensus in the run up to Paris.

It also intends to achieve a better understanding regarding progress made in preparing national contributions and an explicit call for all countries to submit appropriate and fair contributions as soon as possible.

The Dialogue would further consider a clear commitment to the two degree global reduction of emissions target and the establishment of a mechanism to raise ambition levels with the aim of achieving global decarbonisation.

The Petersberg Climate Dialogue is an initiative launched by Germany’s Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, after the climate negotiations in Copenhagen in 2009, with the purpose of advancing international climate action on several levels.

Each year, the Dialogue is organised and co-chaired by Germany and the Presidency of the next UN climate change conference.

Political representatives from regions all over the world and from all negotiating groups participate in the dialogue.