General News of Saturday, 2 June 2001
Source: --
2001-06-02Ghana Airways Deny Salary Cuts
[Statement From Ghana Airways through GRi]
Ghana Airways staff salaries have NOT been cut. Rather, in view of the cash flow problem, it was agreed at a joint meeting with staff and management that in place of mass redundancies to arrest the cash flow problem, staff forego 30% of their salaries for the next 6 months. The accumulated 30% salaries will be paid in FULL at the end of 6 months. Call it COMPULSORY "susu" if you may. As a safety net no staff who receives less than 250,000 cedis is be affected by the scheme.
Ghana Airways has indeed reduced the allowances of most staff including flight and cabin crew as well as ground staff in order to safe money. It has also recalled about 60% of mobile phones held by staff and has reduced petrol allowances. Staff are strictly controlled on the use of office phone and petrol for personal consumption.
There were three deputy CEOs each of which was receiving in monthly allowances alone, before salaries, some $2,500 each. All three positions have been abolished.