General News of Thursday, 22 November 2001

Source: GNA

Ghana Airways pilot pass withdrawn

The Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) on Thursday withdrew the airport pass of Mr Talala Khalid, a pilot of Ghana Airways at the request of his employers.

The Director-General of GCAA, Mr Joe Boachie explained that Mr Khalid would not be allowed to enter the restricted areas of the Airport but since the airport is a public place, he would not be prevented from going there.

The Director-General said once his pass has been withdrawn, he would not be able to enter the terminal building and the tarmac, there was, therefore, no need for his pictures to be pasted at the airport.

Mr Boachie said his employers might have "compelling reasons for requesting for the withdrawal of Mr Khalib's pass and he has to comply.

He said the announcement and pictures of the pilot pasted at the entrance hall of the airport have been removed but did not comment on its removal.

Mr Khalid was suspended for allegedly making favourable comment in support of the terrorist attack on America and was quoted as saying that if Osama Bin Landen was eliminated there would be more Osama Bin Landen.

Meanwhile a source close to the GCAA said the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) of the United Sates (US) has requested all airlines world-wide which fly to the US to supply full list of all crew members as part of security measures taken in the wake of September 11 attack.

He said the request is a normal security procedure, which was introduced after the attack.