General News of Monday, 13 May 2019

Source: Abel Acquaye

Ghana Christian International High wins The Junior Sharks competition

Ghana Christian International High are the new champions Ghana Christian International High are the new champions

Christian High, last weekend on TV3 beat DPS International in the final of The Sharks – Juniors.

The keenly contested final saw the two teams brandish their brainpower against themselves and sometimes against the host, Patrick Kwabena Stephenson.

Till the final question was asked, no one was sure which school had won. Eventually it ended 160 to 155 points in Christian High’s favour.

Christian High for the victory won a cash prize, fully paid trip to the beautiful Zain lodge, laptops and tablets, science and multimedia sets for the school laboratory. Contestants from both schools will represent Ghana at the International Junior Science Olympiad in Doha, Qatar later this year.

Speaking at the final of the competition, the Chair of The Sharks Board, Emerita Professor Elizabeth Ardayfio – Schandorf congratulated all the schools for participating in the competition. She gave special commendation to the head of schools and teachers for supporting such a worthy cause of promoting core competencies among students.

Some students were presented with individual honors. Elmer Ameyitor and Kofi Anyimadu from Christian High took Best in STEM and General Knowledge respectively while Jeet Thankwani and Adam Koray Seidu from DPS International took Best in Math Award and English awards. Overall best student went to Louise Fenny for Ghana Christian International High.

The Sharks Quiz is headlined sponsored by Old Mutual Ghana and supported by Zaina lodge, Webster University, Ashesi University, Family health Medical Unviersity and Academic City. Other sponsors are Indomie Ghana, Ecampus, Dext Technology, B5 plus, Fanmilk and Voltic Ghana.

The program is produced by Africa Schools Online in partnership with TV3.
