General News of Thursday, 10 July 2003

Source: GNA

Ghana/Gambia to form W/A Civic Education Organisation

Accra, July 10, GNA- Ghana and the Gambia on Thursday initiated moves to establish a West African Civic Education Organisation (WACEO) to serve as a centre for teaching and enhancing democratic governance in the sub-region.

"The democratic history of the sub-region, coupled with military interventions in politics as well as recent rebel movements and bad governance are indications that politicians and civil society are yet to understand and accept the tenets of constitutionalism.

"This demands that, Civic Educators in West Africa collaborate, intensify and broaden the scope of education, and sensitisation of the populace," Mr Laary Bimi Chairman of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) stated at a consultative meeting with the Gambia National Council for Civic Education (GNCCE) in Accra. Mr Bimi appealed to governments in the sub-region to strengthen and resource governance institutions to perform their core functions, which would enhance and sustain constitutionalism and good governance. He said "consolidation of democracy which is the yard stick of constitutionalism should be achieved through empowerment of governance institutions instead of over concentration and amassing of arms and ammunitions.

"West African governments should redirect their focus and mentality on security'', ''stressing the best form of security is through public awareness, education and sensitisation as well as the strict adherence of the tenets of constitutional democracy. "

Mrs Doris Ocansey, Deputy Chairperson of the Commission applauded the effort for the establishment of WACEO and said such a body would serve as pressure a group to contribute to the democratic development of the region.

She said the sub-region need to develop a common democratic culture and virtues for politicians, civil society organizations and the military to ensure that "democracy is entrenched for accelerated development.

Mrs Ocansey expressed concern about the multiplicity of rebel movements, civil disorder, military adventurism, corruption at higher places and general political intolerance in the sub region.

"These conditions, she said creates the enabling environment for social disorder and disruptions to constitutionalism."

Mr Dawuda Gallow and Mr Edward Gomez, both GNCCE, Civic Education Officers told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that their visit, which was for both consultation and educational interaction with the NCCE Ghana, has been fruitful.

They said the organisational structure of NCCE, its core functions and programmes are wealthy of emulation and stressed that the two sister institutions would collaborate to strengthen constitutionalism in the sub-region.

Mr Gallow, who is the leader of the delegation, said GNCCE would adopt NCCE's programme of sensitising the youth on the Constitution through civic education clubs.

He called for more collaboration between civic educators within the sub-region especially between Ghana and the Gambia to serve as the nucleus of WACEO.

The two bodies at the end of the meeting agreed that Ghana should host the WACEO next year to deliberate on sub-regional issues and how to consolidate democratic governance.