General News of Friday, 12 May 2006


Ghana Internationl Airlines Flies On

Contrary to the falsehoods and half-truths that are being peddled by the detractors of GIAL, the resilient airline continues to fly and on-time too, much to the shame and astonishment of ill-wishers.

The figures bandied about as being monies given by Government of Ghana to the new management are incorrect-they have either been deliberately distorted or the author of the article may have numeralcy shortcomings.

It is acknowledged in the article that the previous management left behind a huge debt much of which the new management is paying in order to burnish the good name of the airline which, but for the ?intervention?, would have been totally buried in the mud.

At this stage what should concern shareholders is to ensure that the airline continues to fly so that both parties secure their investment. The current management?s efforts are directed at a drive for efficiency ? increasing revenue and controlling costs! Prudent!!

Our attention has been called to a circular to travel agents in the United Kingdom advising them not to deal with ?the illegitimate group masquerading as management of the airline? among other claims.

It beats the mind of sensible people to claim that a minority shareholder who is still in possession of its share can claim that it is being defrauded when efforts are on-going to keep in operation the business in which it holds shares.

We are informed that the letter was signed by one of the expatriate employees (not a shareholder) of GIAL whose appointment was not presented to the board for approval despite persistent BOD requests to do so.

This character entered the country and started work without work and residence permits.

When the Board of Directors drew the attention of management to this violation of the law, management?s response was to treat the matter with indifference and to show utter contempt for the boards? position on the issue. In the end he had to slip out of the country quietly on the 8th of April 2006 to vent his frustrations on GIAL.

We shall be na?ve to allow ourselves to be misled by people whose favourite pastime is to spread alarm and falsehood.

Ghanaians and people of goodwill for the country should not allow mischief makers and those who treat our laws with contempt to divide our ranks. After the dust is settled they will be far away beyond the debris and we shall be left to clear their waste.

Ask those who continue to give loyal support to the national carrier GIAL whether their tickets have been honoured or not.

The author of the article states ?the BOD chairman who has been acting CEO since the takeover and whose only airline experience as Accra country manager for KLM????.. Would the writer have preferred the acting CEO to have been a plumber or a carpenter?

What logic? Who is the faceless author and what has he achieved in this life? Who is this person who can?t get his information right? If you don?t know and you also don?t know where to get the correct information, then you can only be pitied. Indeed such people expose the fault lines in their intellect and character.

As for the vilification of Mr. Albert Vitale the reasons are not far to find. Mr. Vitale has earned his stripes as an expert in aviation and is an asset to GIAL.

What his detractors are afraid of is not what he knows that they do not know, and I can assure you that is huge.! Their nightmare is that they know what he knows and this is causing them sleepless nights!


More Anon!