Diaspora News of Friday, 26 July 2013

Source: Karen Essiful-Ansah

Ghana Methodist Women Fellowship Meet In Maryland

“We need to give meaning to our Christian faith and the pledge of the Women’s Fellowship, to make our own households Christian homes and unite to help make all women worship God in spirit and in truth.” These words of exhortation were contained in the Welcome Address by Sister Sarah Cofie-Laryea at the 2nd Bi-Annual Delegates Conference of the Women’s Fellowship, of The Methodist Church Ghana, North American Mission. She was thankful to God for the opportunity to serve the Church through the Women’s Fellowship and counted the privilege with all the challenges a blessing. Sister Sarah noted that the out-going Officers being the first for the North America Mission have been used by God to identify problems and challenges for the new Officers to work to move the Mission in North America.

The Three-Day Conference which was under the theme: “Revive and Renew Thy Work in Us” was hosted by the Washington Mission Circuit of The Methodist Church Ghana. It was fully attended by the Women’s Fellowships in the North American Mission. Present at the Formal Opening Ceremony were, The Right. Rev. B. K. Asare, the Supervising Mission Co-ordinator of The Methodist church Ghana, North America Mission, the Very Rev. Moses Antwi, the Superintendent Minister of the New Jersey Circuit and the Rev. Kwakye-Nuako of the Ghana Resurrection Methodist Church, Arlington, Virginia who rendered the key-note address. The Rev. Kwakye-Nuako, in his key-note address stressed that worshipping God is man's only purpose and explained that to worship God anyhow is counter beneficial. He added that it is indeed a curse to stand in the way of any person who desires to worship God truthfully. The Rev. Kwakye-Nuako emphasized that women in ministry are servants and stewards and need to bear that in mind. He called on members of the Women Fellowship to overcome wrong doing in Church with serious prayer and wise counsel.

Fraternal messages were received from other sister organizations name the Methodist Choir, Men’s Fellowship, Methodist Guild and Susanna Wesley Mission Auxiliary. Notable among them was that given by the Secretary of the Methodist Guild, Brother Evangelist Abrefa. He asked members of the Methodist Women Fellowship to bear in mind that the revelation of our Lord on the nature of God as being a Spirit was revealed to a woman in Saint John's Gospel chapter 4. God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth. Brother Abrefa made reference to many great women of the Bible and came home to esteem great women of Ghana Methodism such as Maame Comfort Moore who benefitted from the inspiring training of the Women’s Fellowship and served the church with such enviable dedication.

Sister Rosemary Boateng, the out-going Secretary of the Women’s Fellowship thanked the branches of the North America Mission for their contributions and support in making the out-going administration achieve its modest gains. New members across the Mission were enrolled by the Mission Officers led by Sister Wilhelmina Halm, Washington Mission Circuit Women Fellowship President. Other Speakers and Resource Persons at the Conference included ?s?fo Maame Cecilia Ghunney (the wife of Bishop J. Kow Ghunney) and Sister Veronica Poku, former Circuit President of the Women’s Fellowship, Ho.

At the Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, the following newly elected Officers were inducted into office: Sisters Christiana Aboagye-Agyeman, (Mission President), Doris Gyamfi (Vice President), Evelyn Ababio (Secretary), Miriam Boadi (Assistant Secretary), Winifred Cudjoe (Treasurer), Ruby Marshall (Assistant Treasurer) Wilhelmina Halm (Chaplin), Paulina Baafi, Porter and Matilda Coleman ( Music Director).

Sister Karen Essiful-Ansah Reporting from Maryland, U.S.A.
