Religion of Sunday, 1 June 2008

Source: Amoa-Kodie, Paulius

Ghana: Only the truth can set us free

Ghana can never be set free untill we discover whom we are as a nation.And what God created us for. The must be a reason and a purpose. We need to change our mind set and confess positively.

No politician nor religious leaders can help us because they are divided ( They are missing the mark). They do not know whom they are. We have to know the truth of the country we all belong to. The truth of what is going on around us and other nations. The truth of this climate change. Who is changing the climate? The answer is Man. We have to know God our selves. Why He made sun and moon to rule the day and night.

And why He God is not going to bring them again in His next creation. The truth of why 3 wise men came from the east to look for Jesus when he was born. The problem of middle east.

The truth of why Muslims worship their god they even do not know from the east. And even Christians worship their God they never know personally on sunday. If we say we know Him, we will love each other because that is our nature "LOVE". And any one who do not have "LOVE" destroy his or her nature.Sex is love and we all came through this way. We have been deceived for so long. We all worship sun and moon indirectly. Why should people go to space? Please read the book of Daniel very well and you will know the seasons. Where are our so called "THE BOOK LONGS"? I challenge you all to know the spirit behind your knowledge and use it properly for the glory of God. God bless Africa. God bless Ghana. Thank you.

Rev. Paulius Amoa-Kodie
Christ for the Africans Mninstries
Dallas, U.S.A