General News of Tuesday, 15 December 2015


Ghana could seek amendment to AMERI deal - Kofi Bentil

A private legal practitioner, Kofi Bentil A private legal practitioner, Kofi Bentil

A private legal practitioner, Kofi Bentil, says there could be a way out for the government to make things right in the AMERI power plant deal that has attracted hue and cry over corruption claims.

The government has received widespread criticisms following a Norwegian newspaper publication which raised a possible issue of corruption in the 510 million-dollar deal because the market value of the turbines is 220 million dollars.

Many experts have condemned the contract, which according to them, does not give the Ghanaian taxpayer value for the money being spent and have called for the abrogation of the contract.

But a lawyer, Ace Anan Ankomah has warned there could be dire financial consequences for the nation should the government terminate the contract, noting Ghana will end up spending more to abrogate than to keep the contract.

“This agreement is tight. Ghanaians are making noise that we should abrogate it. Sorry you can’t. If you do you are going to pay a whole lot of money so much that you will be amazed. If we think this agreement is not in our interest, hold our political leaders for it,” he said on Accra-based Joy FM

However, Mr. Bentil believes the government can initiate processes to have the contract amended either through Parliament or a legal process, saying "I see a way to ammend this contract with the help of our parliament.

"It is not possible to say justice cannot be done because we have signed, many contracts have been set aside on the basis of unconscionability, even in Ghana, and many abroad!In this Ameri deal, there are clear indications of many things wrong, this must not stand if we dont want it to!," he said in a Facebook post.

Mr. Bentil who is also the Vice President of think tank, IMANI Ghana, described the contract as "patently bad even on the surface and upon all scrutiny more rot is revealed... There is a known fraudster, there is unconscionability, there is clear mistake or misapprehension or a gross miscalculation".

Quoting Lord Denning, he said, that injustice must not be left to stand.

"I see a panel of Judges, sickened by the incessant looting of poor nations by their politicians and foreign partners, presented with these facts agreeing that even if this contract won't be cancelled, it must be amended!! Our Government can fight this if they want to," he stated.