General News of Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Ghana is more committed to mitigating climate impact - Amewu

John Peter Amewu, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources John Peter Amewu, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources

Mr John Peter Amewu, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, has addressed a World Bank side event on Accelerating Climate -resilient and low-carbon development in Africa at the ongoing COP23 in Bonn, Germany.

He said Ghana's commitment towards climate change mitigation could be found in it various initiatives being undertaken currently to address environmental degradation.

He mentioned the Redd+ project aimed at restoring the forest belt with the support of the World Bank, the Multilateral Mining Integrated project (MMIP) project adopted recently by Ghana to regulate mining to ensure sustainable mining, as well as the reviewing of its Timber Procurement law to ensure that logging of timber was done more sustainably.

Other representatives from Togo, Cote d'Ivoire, and Morocco, also presented their countries contributions and initiatives towards accelerating Climate-resilient and low-carbon Development in Africa.

The World Bank hosted the side-event with the support of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Mr John Roome, Senior Director of Climate Change at the World Bank said ''unless we reduce low carbon we can't deal with the impact of climate change’’.

He therefore commended African countries for their resolve to partner global institutions to ensure that the world reduced carbon emissions and also adapted effectively to climate impacts.

He said: ''the World Bank is very proud to partner with Ghana. We are very much a partner of Ghana''. And we will together find solutions to carbon emissions by either placing a price on carbons or reduce carbon emission''.

The COP23, which is gradually coming to a close on Friday November 17, was opened on Monday, November 7.

It is being hosted by the Republic of Fiji with support of the German Government.

It has so far featured many side-meetings, activities and events, as well as exhibitions from various parties, negotiators, activists and delegates forming the 25 pop visitors attending COP23 in Bonn.

The participants are expecting more commitment towards committing more funds for mitigating the impact of climate change as well as building resilience of vulnerable countries of the World.