General News of Tuesday, 31 December 2002

Source: The Ghanaian Times

Ghana losing grip on hospitality character

Ghana stands the risk of losing her cherished national character of hospitality as a result of indiscipline, growing intolerance and violence.

President John Kufuor made this observation in an address read for him at the opening of the 54th annual New Year School at the University of Ghana, Legon, on Monday. The President called on Ghanaians to build bridges of peace and understanding in their communities.

The New Year School is held annually to discuss issues of national importance. President Kufuor was hopeful that the participants in addressing the issues of peace and stability, would bring to the fore, time-tested traditions and customary practices that would help in the development of a congenital environment for accelerated national development.

The Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Oyeeman Wereko Ampem, who presided over the session, urged Ghanaians to stop deceiving themselves that, they were a peaceful and tolerant people and could therefore, not experience civil strife.

He said developments on the continent showed that the country could experience civil strife hence the need for people to pray and work for peace.