General News of Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Source: GNA

Ghana not doing enough to tackle cholera

Dr Kwabena Opoku-Adusei, President of Ghana Medical Association (GMA), has called for firm enforcement of environmental sanitation bye-laws to stop the recurring cholera outbreak.

He said he found it baffling the laxity in the enforcement of laws passed to help people to take responsibility and keep their surroundings clean.

He warned that until the appropriate state institutions act decisively to end open defecation, fifth engulfing the cities and pollution of water bodies, Ghana would continue to struggle with preventable communicable diseases.

Dr Opoku-Adusei was speaking to Ghana News Agency on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Ahodwo-Daban branch of the Rabito clinic, a specialist hospital in dermatology, in Kumasi.

Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severe watery diarrhoea, which could lead to dehydration and if left untreated could be fatal in a matter of hours.

Dr Opoku-Adusei said it is sad that while countries like the United States eradicated cholera in the 1800s, in Ghana, its outbreak has become an annual ritual and so predictable that people could tell when it would happen.

What makes things more disturbing is the fact that the nation appears helpless and unprepared to deal with the causative factors.

He said people must accept to do the simple and right things to promote environmental sanitation and protect themselves from the infection.