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General News of Friday, 12 June 2015

Source: Frank Owusu Obimp

Ghana signs Mutual Agreement On Studies And Qualification with France

Ghana has signed a historical agreement on mutual recognition of studies and recognition of studies and qualifications in order to continue studies in between Ghanaian and French Students..

The agreement is the first for the University Presidents (CPU) Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI)and the Vice Chancellors of (UG,KNUST,UCC UEW,UDS,UMAT,UENR,UPSA,UHAS andGIMPA) to cover areas and promote mutual recognition of studies and qualifications that seek to promote and facilitate the studies of students of both countries .

It also details the certificates, qualifications and titles and organization of higher education in both countries, the access conditions to the higher education system of the partner country,, the recognition of studies periods with no regard and degrees in partnership.

Prof William Otoo Ellis, President of Vice Chancellors Ghana, and Vice Chancellor of KNUST and H.E Frederic Clavier, Ambassador of France to Ghana, signed the agreement at the residence of the France Ambassador in Accra on behaf of Ghana.

Prof Ellis said the signing ceremony marked the beginning of Ghana and France relations to increase direct and continue studies in both countries.. Mr. Frederic Clavier,Ambassador of France to Ghana signed for his country and made known that , France has made significant investments in Ghana, and it was time for it to partner Ghana on Engineering science studies.

He announced that , the agreement will provide the platform where French and Ghanaian universities, institution and network can showcase the excellence of their education and range of training opportunities available for students, employers and employees.

The French Ambassador added that, the agreement is unique in the sense that, it will provide training in Engineering Sciences from advance technician to engineer, and not only between universities but also private sector of both nations to match the lab our market needs and contents of training program mes for better employment .